We are at Myrtle Beach.
It's October.
It is free Time Share from Donna and Bruce.
So I won't complain.
The place is bigger than our house.
Funny how that happens.
We have cooked every night to save money.
I will not wear a Piggly Wiggly shirt bc that place is EXPENSIVE compared to
Food Lion and (*gasp*) Super Wal-Mart.
We can't afford the Pig.
Speaking of Pig.
I need to immunize my children.
Time? Money? Supply?
They are all factors here.
I digress....
Today we earned $100 by going to a Time Share tour.
Man those people are good sales men/ women.
They still lost.
We won.
During the tour Marley walked right into a large glass door.
Knocked her right down.
As a mom, do I laugh?
Cause it was freaking hilarious!
It scared the poor baby.
We comforted her.
Then, we belly laughed.
The tour guide joined in.
The indoor pool has been our only activity.
Scratch that.
The huge, and flippin' cold outdoor pool as well.
Aren't they cute?
Yep. She's a licker. It's gross.
We are having fun. No doubt.