Sunday, January 18, 2009

As a mom who has been pumping and nursing (sorry boys, but this is my life:) I have had to sit for over 10hrs a day in the same spot. My poor toddler just can't understand why mom sits all day. All she knows is that mom has to feed Farrah. This is what I caught Marley doing in her room....... She said, "Mom! I'm pumping!" She continued to feed all of her teddy bears that were surrounding her;)

1 comment:

robin said...

Amanda!!!! Hi!!! I JUST now saw your comment on my blog! I was so excited to see your name! And then i was so happy to see your new little girl! Congratulations! I'm sure you have your hands full! That's so fun that you are friends with Erin! Glad we can keep in touch now!