Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Missin' Being Chubby
I'm not skinny. Oh boy. I'm not skinny. However,
my mindset and behavior have started leaning towards that of
a skinnier broad. Blah. I've realized how much I rely on
food when I'm stressed, tired, or happy. Yes, I said it. I'm an
emotional eater. Food makes me smile.
Sad. True.
God should be the one I go to first instead of the refrigerator.
I've lost ALMOST lost 10 lbs.
It's not that noticeable, but it's going.
It took 4 years for me to gain it. My doctor said it will take about a year for me to loose it all because of having kids and being...oh gosh...gulp....30.
I will get through it with your encouragement, God's help, and
Weight watchers latte frozen pops:).

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